Choose which one applies to you:
Do you currently LIVE in Historic Orange Mound? If YES, we need you! Residents will be the driving force of the JUICE Business Incubator. If you are willing to help strengthen our small businesses in a variety of ways, please do leave your contact information below. You can also plan to join us for monthly community meetings EVERY THIRD MONDAY in the cafeteria at Melrose High School at 6pm. Free food and fellowship! Be sure to check out the “Zones” tab on this website before you leave. #OrangeMoundSTRONG.
Resident Incubator Form
Do you have a business idea or small business to benefit Orange Mound? If so, the JUICE Business Incubator is for you! Please leave your contact information below and we will be sure to connect with you soon. Our first cohort will be selected this fall! Help us reach other small business owners by sharing this information today. We cannot wait to help you advance your dream and are here to serve you. #bettertogether
Entrepreneur Incubator Form
Would you like to support the small business owners of Orange Mound? We are looking for a dynamic group of mentors to support our FIRST cohort of incubated businesses. If you have been looking to give back to your community? Look no further. Please leave your contact information and we will begin the process of getting you matched to an excited entrepreneur.
Mentor Incubator Form
Are you a service provider? If so, we want to connect with you. Whether you currently serve Orange Mound or not, our organization would love to learn more about your work. If you are interested in bringing your service to Historic Orange Mound, we are looking for a wide verity of professionals from many sectors. Be sure to leave your information below and help us connect to other awesome organizations in your network!