Our mission is to develop and advance the self-reliance of Orange Mound and the larger community by building capacity and engagement among citizens and businesses




Quarterly JUICE will fund a community project


Our vision is to reclaim the self-sufficiency and prestige of Historic Orange Mound

Core Values

Integrity First
Positive Community Image
Collective Action

It all began December 2016 in a well-known and respected community named Orange Mound. Affectionately called The Mound, our close-knit community is the first community built by and for African Americans in Memphis Tennessee. Recently designated as a Preserve America Community by First Lady Michelle Obama, Orange Mound is ripe with long-standing national history and pride.

With your help, we can mobilize our marginalized youth and disengaged millennials.  JUICE Orange Mound is the newest, hippest, progressive non-profit founded by a native of the community.  JUICE is prepared to execute a community mobilization strategy that will use simply 4% of the total population of the community to evoke change.

To be the most effective, we have coined “The Triad” approach where we assign 3 individuals including a street representative, a high school student, and a community partner to travel together going door-to-door. Street representatives are the core of the approach as they serve as navigators of the community and internal mentors for the students involved. Likewise, community partners get to build relationships with current residents who are able to breakdown stigma and preconceived notions from the current misguiding reputation of the neighborhood.

Greatly affected by the introduction of drugs in the 80’s, our community has been on a steady decline ever since.  To many, we are the poster community for blight, crime, and joblessness.  To us, we have everything we need to usher ourselves into our next heyday.  If not for the knowledge of our past, we might give up on the hope for future generations.  But, we know better.  We are better.  We will be better.

Our technique is simple: 4 times a year, we organize a JUICE DAY where we go door-to-door collecting spare change from residents.  With the money collected, we use the funds to pay for an innovative project idea crafted by members of the community.  Leveraging spare change to kickstart our fundraising process helps our residents prove what is possible when everyone simply gives a little.  JUICE Orange Mound truly believes there is power in collective thought and action!

On May 27th 2017, we met the men and women of Orange Mound at their doorsteps for our inaugural JUICE DAY. Our success in collecting $592 in spare change proves the JUICE model of community organizing #WORKS! We are determined to move forward and reach our goal of connecting with every home in the community. The people of Orange Mound have shown that they are ready so help us recruit 117 volunteers by signing up TODAY. 

“If it is to be, it is up to me.  I can fly, I can fly, I can fly.  I can be anything I aspire to be as long as I listen to people who care about me.  If you are weak you are beat.  If you are wise, you will survive.  I prepare myself so when the doors of opportunity open, I can just walk right in.  I can, I will, I believe.  It is done.”    -Hanley affirmation


A special THANK YOU to the elders whose shoulders on which we stand. 


Get Connected TODAY!

Love what you see? Awesome, we do too! Our organization relies on volunteers like YOU so be sure to sign up to serve before you leave.